Things to do in Norfolk: Sandringham Flower Show
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Sandringham Flower Show is a unique event offering not only the best in horticulture, but also an excellent day out filled with family entertainment.
More than just a flower show, it is one of the most prestigious horticultural events in the area. Many of the region’s leading nurseries and horticultural specialists exhibit with around 200 trade stands (both horticultural and general). See display gardens by leading designers, a craft marquee, main arena of events, children’s entertainment and a military band.
The Royal marquees contain competitions in vegetables, fruit, flowers and floral art, with entries grown by local residents; there are also some open classes which anyone may enter. In the amateurs’ marquee, local gardening and horticultural clubs enter a judged display competition, whilst the Horticultural Trades marquee features displays by leading nurseries.
End of July.